Now that we've established North Carolina as the victor over Ohio, it's time to move on because here is the reality: I live in Ohio! I must embrace it. So, now it's time shift gears a little and look at some lessons learned through the whole moving process. Yes, I am going to be standing on my soap box, sharing my inner-most thoughts with you, in order to maybe give you some insight not only into lessons I have learned but maybe to help you learn some lessons yourself. If no one gets anything from the upcoming blogs, I will still feel like I have changed lives, so let me live in my fantasy world. As always, feel free to leave your thoughts and comments. Maybe through those, you could change my life!
Lesson #1 - When we live status quo lives, we get stuck in ruts and the daily grind of life. We don't reach our full potential of what we were created for.
Leaving North Carolina was not an easy decision. First, I'm still not convinced I was born for the cornfields. I respect and honor the rural/farm life, but tractors can only go so fast. I need more speed! And, manure smells! Therefore, during the past eight years, as my family in Colorado has pulled for us to move there, and as Faith's family has pleaded with us to move to Ohio, my desire for the latter move has been minimal, if not non-existent. Before you judge, picture a farmer moving to the beach, or someone from the tropical lands moving to Alaska. It's a culture shock!
Furthermore, over the past ten years in North Carolina, eight of them being married to Faith, and six of them including children, our family roots were established. We attended a great church where we were very involved and were able to see God touch many lives before us. We had the opportunity to be part of multiple Bible study groups, and from that we have found our closest friends. On top of that, as I've mentioned before, we had great neighbors. We all helped one another when in need, and we spent more time in the cul-de-sac together than most people spend with their neighbors in a lifetime.
Now, I don't write all this to make you feel sorry for us for all we've left behind or to put ourselves on a pedestal to show how tough we are that we can leave all that behind (Although, I like both of those thoughts). I write it to say that sometimes what we want and what we are comfortable with are great for a period or time in our lives, but sometimes we need to be challenged to move to the uncomfortable in order to truly grow. I would not say that Faith and I necessarily lived status-quo lives, but I would argue that we at times were too "comfortable" with our lives. Just like in our jobs, when we stick with what is comfortable and stop challenging ourselves, we start losing focus and many times lack the sharp edge maybe we once had.
My challenge to you is, "What in your life could you do to prevent living the status quo life?" Here are some simple suggestions, but challenge yourself and don't be afraid to pray about it.
1)Talk to the neighbor you've never talked to but know you should talk to
2)Stop watching the TV show you know you should not watch but that you continue to watch
3)Apply for that job that you've been afraid to apply for
4)Ask the girl out (What's the worst she do--say 'no'?)
5)Take that risk you keep making excuses for to not take
6)Go on that diet and/or start that exercising you know you will feel better
7)Try a new church if you continue to criticize and complain about where you attend
8)Volunteer where you know you're needed but where you have been avoiding
Those are just a few suggestions, but you already know what you need to do. Act on it!
Farm Fact:
Most corn stalks only have one ear of corn. If there are two or three ears, they will be small as they will lack the nutrients to grow.
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