Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Moving Day!

In order to understand the purpose of this blog, please read the background page so you know how all this began. Moving day began way too early, but let's back up a few days. We returned from Ohio, where I accepted my part-time job tutor job with no benefits (I just want to add that extra point), and had one week until we were moving out of our house. Keep in mind I have a Master's Degree and have taught ten years (that is not in here for bragging purposes but for humility purposes...read on). We wanted to have a few days in Ohio before I began work, and we needed to get our house cleared as soon as we could to get it put on the market. The week was filled with packing and good-byes, and many tears by my wife. However, our friends are awesome, as people brought us food, helped pack, and helped watch the kids, so when the time came to pick up the moving truck Friday, we were ready to rock and roll. After dealing with some issues at the rental company, I drove the truck home (what a manly feeling!) and a friend and I started loading the truck. Most of the moving took place Saturday morning, and by lunch most of the work was done. With the help of my trusty neighbor, the final things were loaded in the afternoon. We reserved Sunday for final good-byes.
Now, back to moving day, Monday. As I stated it was too early, but we knew the truck would add a couple of hours to the trip, and we wanted to do some unloading once we arrived in Ohio. Well, by 4:30 a.m., my sidekick, my soon-to-be 6 year-old son, Isaiah, and I took off in our "Man truck!" Faith and the kids followed a couple of hours later, and amazingly we arrived at the farm together. Seriously, I was a pro with that truck! Well, I backed that thing into the farm driveway, and I wasn't even able to go to the bathroom before we had that thing unloaded! Do you think Faith's family was excited to have us here? Unbelievable! I thought we were just starting and doing most of the unpacking Tuesday. Unfortunately, that was the beginning of my complete loss of control and pride!
Accept for getting no rest for the weary, moving day went smoothly. I definitely had the easier job with my co-pilot, as Faith had the two younger girls. Wow, the girl drama starts early! And then we were relegated to the basement!

Farm Fact Not all of the corn you see in the fields is "sweet corn," which is the corn we eat. Most cornfields you see produce corn for feeding animals, making products, and making alternative fuel.


  1. You make me laugh, Matt! I married a Princeton hobby farmer from New Jersey and have had my own crash course in being a farmer's wife the past 6 years. And, all 6 of those years have been sharing the farm house with my in-laws. We'd definitely be able to swap stories! Best of luck in this new journey God's granted you.

    1. Six years! If that happens to me...well, that's not happening so let's leave it at that. Ha. My in-laws are great, but I like my independence. As you know, farm life can be great, it's just a whole different world.
