Monday, November 11, 2013

Move Lesson #3 - Be Grateful and Take Nothing for Granted!

Here I am, back in the basement, after a refreshing return trip to our family's roots in Holly Springs, North Carolina. Not only am I sitting in the basement, but it's freezing outside, which is a far cry from the 60 degrees we left behind in North Carolina, but I won't dwell on that. So, inspired by the return trip, I am going to focus this blog on not taking things for granted. However, first I have a side lesson that relates to my last lesson about exercise.
Flag football Turkey Bowl Athletes (Men of Armor)
    Now, I don't mean to offend anyone by the following statement, but I'm an unfiltered man so here's an honest lesson:
      We went to North Carolina so that I could play in a flag football outreach tournament with the guys from our old Bible study. We should have done much better, but we sucked and of course are all in pain from it. However, at one point in the game an athletic, but overweight man, probably in his mid to late 40's, ran into me as I tried to grab his flags, ultimately falling on top of my head. Now, this would be painful no matter what, but the extra weight just added insult and pain to the injury. So, here's my new thought: Obesity not only hurts the obese and puts their lives in jeopardy, but it hurts others! Having said that, I'm sitting here eating food as I write so I'm not helping the cause.

Ok, let's move to something deeper, that being the lesson of not taking for granted those things that are such integral parts of our lives, things that have shaped and molded us into the people we are today. As I've made clear in just about every post, this move to Ohio hasn't been easy. I know not everyone gets why we moved, but despite some of our struggles through the move, we moved in obedience to what we thought, and still believe to be true, God wanted/s us to do.

Because the we left Ohio Thursday afternoon, and had to return Sunday morning, we left the kids with Faith's parents. This was bittersweet as we know they would have loved to see their friends, but it did not make sense to take them on such a short trip. After eight hours on the road, we arrived in Apex, NC, just ten minutes from our "old" home, and when I looked over at Faith the floodgates opened...for her. Everything we left came back to her, and while we are slowly creating a new home (our literal new home to be done in January!), we still feel North Carolina to be our home. For those two full days, and Sunday morning at church, we both were made ever more aware of two things:
         1)You don't know the impact you have had on others (or maybe better stated "God's impact through you") until you are removed from where you were in life and are able to see the fruits of your labor. I don't say that arrogantly or pridefully, but with humility, as God was able to use us in ways we didn't even know he was using us.
         2)By being made aware of such a truth, we were made ever more aware of how much God blessed us with the people, school, jobs, church, etc. in our eight years as a family in North Carolina. So often we move through life being somewhat thankful for what we have but usually looking forward for something else or something more. We don't take time to reflect on and dwell on the things right in front of us, and we too often don't realize what we have/had until we have moved on.

       My challenge to you would be to think about where you are in life. Are you constantly wanting more, constantly taking for granted those things on which you should place more value, or do you stop and realize that we don't deserve anything we've been given and that everything in your life is there for a reason, whether good or bad, whether temporary or permanent? I dare you to pause today, take time today to cherish all you have.

Farm Fact:
For today's farm fact, watch the following video. It's comical and an interesting look at farm life.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Exercise! Moving Lesson #2



Some lessons in life are deep, while others can be comical and/or simple every day truths. Today, I'm here to share something I already knew but too often am too lazy to make a necessary part of my life--EXERCISE!
     I have always been an active person and have been in sports my entire life, including coaching track the last 9 years. As a coach I consistently explain to athletes the importance of taking care of their bodies, both through nutrition and exercise. However, like many adults, with job responsibilities, children, and other commitments, exercise is usually the first thing to go, when it really should be a staple of our lives.
     I don't want to bore you, so let's move on to why I bring this up. For the past three years, I have struggled with lower back pain. Unfortunately, it's a structural issue that through physical therapy and through research, I've learned how to manage. I can't completely get rid of the pain/discomfort, but I can manage it, and when I don't, I can definitely feel the difference. By now I should be hearing some of the world's smallest violins playing "My Heart Goes Out to You." Now, as many of you have read, this move to Ohio has not been the easiest thing for me. In order to cope, I have spent many hours at the gym. Unfortunately, no one can tell, but I still have my sanity. As a result, I can honestly say that today, I physically feel better than I have at any point in my last three years, mostly because my ripped, awe-inspiring, six-pack abs and chiseled back are providing great support for my lower-back structural problems. Ok, so maybe not all of that is true, but I do feel much better now than I have in a long time. I share this with you because the simple act of exercising a few times a week, from walking to running, to Pilates, to weight lifting, to any other form of valid exercise, has not only allowed me to keep my sanity, but it has allowed me to better enjoy facing each day as I physically feel ready to attack it (sounds like a commercial). Here are some realities of exercise:

1)More than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) are obese
2)In 2008 $147 billion was spent on obesity related medical costs 
3)Obesity greatly increases risks for heart disease, diabetes, etc., some of the leading causes of preventable death. 
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Lack of Exercise leads to:
1)decrease of energy
2)lower metabolism
3)susceptibility to injury
4)pain that can often be prevented
5)Lack of sexual desire/ability (sorry, I had to through that in there)

Excuses and Solutions for not exercising:
1)I'm too sore from moving ---You're sore because you don't exercise! Give it a few days, and you will feel great!
2)I'm too tired---Move more throughout the day. The more you sit, the more tired you get! Ever noticed how tired you are after sitting around all day watching football?
3)I'm too old---If you can walk, then you can exercise.
4)My knees and hips hurt---While there obviously are viable medical reasons why we have body pains, extra weight puts extra pressure on our joints, tendons, and muscles, which leads to pain.
5)"I hate exercising!" You're not alone. Think about all the other things in life that you have done even though you didn't like them, and think of how you/and others have benefited from them.
6)I have a little child I must tend to---Look at the following picture!

How to Incorporate Exercise
1)Join a gym - You would be surprised how many "imperfect" bodies are at that gym. You are not alone.
2)There are many great at home exercise programs that require little equipment, money, and on-line for what fits your needs
3)Find things you do enjoy that require movement. Exercise does not always have to be strenuous. Examples include, shopping (walking a lot), cleaning, building things (manual labor)
4)Find an accountability partner. Exercise together and give yourselves consequences if you bail.
5)If you find yourself in front of the TV 2-4 hours every night, you have no excuses! While you watch, march in place, complete some core/ab exercises, get up and walk around, etc. Anything is better than just sitting (and if you're like me you're probably sitting and "eating").
6)Don't look for the closest parking spot. Park farther away, so you will walk farther.

I am no exercise expert, and I don't have all the answers (well, that's debatable), but I challenge you to think about what physical activity you could do that would allow you to physically feel better and that would challenge you to step outside of your comfort zone. An active person walks at least 10,000 steps a day. Do you do that?

Farm Fact:
When you hear the word "tiling" in farming, don't think about stone tiles that we put in our houses. Tiling refers to the draining system for farms, much like the drainage systems used outside of homes to keep water away from homes. Today, plastic tubing generally is used for this.