Tuesday, September 17, 2013

North Carolina vs. Ohio: Round 3!

Well, I'm still recovering from just about being kicked out of my in-laws basement over the "beat down" Ohio took in the last round versus North Carolina. Someone, find us a house! Hey, the facts speak for themselves. I claim I'm simply the messenger, writing them down. We'll see what happens in round three, though. Will it be a Floyd Mayweather punishing beat down by North Carolina, or will Ohio rebound and get some revenge? Here we go!

Family – Family can be very important, but the faster pace of life can minimize its importance.
Family – It is very important in the country, whether it be cooking, helping farm, fixing buildings, watching children,  etc.  (On a personal note, I like my space!)
Food – Food is important, but not everything surrounds food.  Nothing beats Carolina barbecue!
Food – It is very important to the culture, but it is too much the focus of life. People spend all day making food, while missing out on all that is happing around.  Buy it at the store! Save hours of your life!
Contentment – Too often people in the city are too busy to just stop and enjoy life.
The farm life breeds contentment as often people are detached from, or not as exposed to, all the modern worries of the world.
Clothing – While people’s dress can lead to vanity, I appreciate seeing people who take care of themselves.
Clothing – Clothing is much more practical: overalls, cargo pants, flannel, etc.  However, extra-large shirts on medium-sized women are way too prevalent.
In the areas in North Carolina where we lived, people made exercise an integral part of their lives, some for vanity, but many for the health benefits (however, such is not the case in many parts of NC)
I’m treading lightly here, but in the rural areas, exercise is viewed differently. Farming still takes a lot of time, work, and energy, but now that technology is used for so many things, the natural exercise many people used to get is gone.  Taking extra time to exercise is not a priority. (Remember, these are just generalizations.)
Weather driving – People in NC have no clue how to drive in snow or rain.
Dealing with weather is part of life.
Tobacco – It is one of North Carolina’s largest and most profitable crops…It can kill!  Nothing redeaming!
Corn – It feeds animals, people, and provides an alternative fuel source. (Relax, I know North Carolina has corn, but not like Ohio.)

Ohio take the Round 3 win! Don't call it a comeback!

Farm Facts:
1)Silos, the tall, round cylinders on farms, hold grain, corn, etc., known as silage.
2)These can be very dangerous to climb in as people have been buried, and often times, because they are airtight, harmful quantities of gas are often trapped in them


Friday, September 13, 2013

Ohio vs. North Carolina: Round 2!

Round one of the North Carolina vs. Ohio battle was close. Now it's time for Round 2! Let's again remember that many generalizations and stereotypes are made for the sake of this competition, so don't be offended if you don't like something. 


North Carolina - City
Ohio - Rural
Faster-paced city life: I’m going with NC on this one as I like to see and make things happen!
Slower-paced rural life: This is just personal preference, but I need movement.
Teaching Licensing Department: Really, neither place should receive points, but my issue with NC licensing is currently the fault of Wake County.
Teaching Licensing Department: I’ve talked to 4-5 different people and have received 4-5 different responses. As a result, I still have not been approved for teaching license. I wish I got paid to be incompetent!
County and State Fairs – They are nothing but junk food and horrible rides!
County and State Fairs – I don’t believe I will ever be a fair guy (I only have one in me a year), but at least Ohio fairs actually have animals.
Non-Union State – While some employees could definitely be abused by employers, people have incentive to diligently work…so that’s what they do.
Union State – Can anyone say “Hand-out”? That’s what the union mentality creates. While unions do provide powerful resources for employees, they enable many employees to get paid for not doing their jobs. This could get me on the teacher-union black list…Oh NO!
Racial Diversity: I lived in Charlotte for two years and definitely saw racial segregation, but there was still strong diversity.
Racial Diversity: While some exists, I’m not seeing a lot of black, Asian, Hispanic, etc. farmers here.
Energy! I think the faster-paced life gives people energy.
Energy-Here’s what I have constantly heard from Ohio people since I married my wife over eight years ago: “I’m tired.” People here are always tired! It must be the manure, gray skies, or something else in the air!
Milk Prices – My only thought is there are not as many cows in NC, so milk is not on sale as often. (I had to come up with something to give Ohio a point!)
Milk Prices – Lots of cows must equal cheaper milk prices!

North Carolina wins Round 2: 5-2

Farm Facts:
1)It is not necessary to be a farmer to be part of farm bureau (groups/organization that meet all over the country). I am proud to say I am a member of Farm Bureau as they are our insurance company.
2)Did you know that cows emit methane (an atmosphere warming gas) when gas leaves their bodies (burps and farts)? In fact the ever-wonderful EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) tries to create laws forcing farmers to give different "feed" to cows in order to prevent such "global-warming" emissions. I bet you didn't know that fact! Doesn't it make you feel warm and fuzzy that we're spending billions of dollars supporting an agency that is concerned with cow farts! In other words, our society is becoming more concerned with cow "gas" than with smoking.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Ohio vs. North Carolina: Round 1!

Let's spice things up a little and get away from just the biographical account of our move from North Carolina to Ohio. For today's post, I've created a little competition chart. The chart is just the beginning of the competition between the two states. Now, obviously, many generalizations and stereotypes will be made in this post, and future ones, but just know they don't apply to everyone in that state. In other words, don't be offended, unless you need to be.

Well, I can't figure this technology out, and I can't type on the bottom of this page, so here is the farm fact of the day:
1) Just before it's time to be harvested, most crops dry out, their leaves change colors, and/or many appear to be dying/wilted.

2)If wet hay is bailed, it can become combustible.

North Carolina
Hot at night!
Weather cools at night
Southern Hospitality – People are friendly; they wave, and like/appreciate social interaction
Not nice! While many friendly people exist, I have met many frowns and dealt with many socially awkward moments. Multiple native Ohio people have supported me in this.
Blue Sky!
Gray! While it is still nice outside, once the gray comes out, it is here for months! Hello depression!
Regularly in the top 10 for obesity—Nobody deserves to win this one.
Regularly in the top 10 for obesity—Nobody deserves to win this one.
Collegiate athletics – Tobacco Road represents three of the strongest athletic programs in the country (Duke, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill-UNC, and North Carolina State University-NC State). Plus, many other strong athletic programs exist.
While many good universities exist, all I ever hear about is Ohio State.  This will rock some people, but maybe I should say, “Go Blue!” (That’s Michigan for you non-athletic supporters.)
Tobacco is one of the strongest agricultural industries.
I have noticed many smokers, but tobacco is not grown here.
Very few factory jobs-While unhappy people exist, most people enjoy their work.
Factory jobs - Over the years I have met many people who hate their jobs, but they work in the factories because it’s “what they do.” Some go home to families and hobbies that provide an escape, but too many fall into drinking, depression, and other negative habits. (Remember, this is just a generalization and does not apply to everyone.)
Professional Sports – Carolina Panthers, Carolina Hurricanes, Charlotte Bobcats, and other lesser-known pro/semi-pro teams-A lot of bandwagon, fair-weather fans
Professional Sports – Cleveland Indians, Cleveland Browns, Cincinnati Bengals, Cleveland Cavaliers,  and other lesser-known pro/semi-pro sports teams – Many die-hard fans for constant, losing teams
Basements only exist when homes are built on sides of hills.
Most houses have basements!
Topography – Beaches and Mountains!
Some nice hills, but a lot of flat fields
 North Carolina wins Round 1!